
Froyo, Gingerbread, Android Stock ROM


Special thanks to

http://www.qubenet.net/ - for hosting kitchen

rveupen - for additional boiler in the kitchen

daveba - for additional boiler in the kitchen 

tankertuf - for additional boiler in the kitchen 


Thanks a lot to:

QLIRATU - for creating the original scripts that create the frameworks

MENDOZINAS - for making the custom version, creating the new layout, designing the new features

AVREEN - for Dr. Droid themes

FIGHTSPIT - for providing the Super battery Mod and verifying xml files

BRUT.ALL - for making apktool 

NROSIER - for giving us the animated icons, Mod E ,Mod G and more

TRINITYEON - for providing us with BLUE SENSE icons and Mod C

TieT - for fixing typo's errors 

POTTER1984  - for nice bootanimations

PENDO - for white dancing droid and help with apk-tools

CASTAWAY1 - for nice battery style

HOOOLM - for circle style icons and battery mod K

CHE123 - for Desire 3D turn bootanimation

ACEJACKSOOTE - for Mod L battery

ESK02K - for Mod MW battery

DYSGENIC - for glow and particles bootanimations

Crysis21 - for Version P, Glowing Crysis battery style

TheMasterBaron - for Scribble Rays and Jumpgate bootanimations

Oijkn  - for Carbon emoticons

Mastersjef - for Steel Blue icons set and bootanimation

Fachadick and d_1000 - for font packs

Dmatik - for Version S battery

Rudolf895 - for Rudolf windows animation

TheSkepticalGuy - for Resident Evil bootanimation

Danmcq - for 3d Bumblebee bootanimation

Akoe101 - for akoe101 icon set

Jsmccabe78 - for Anastasdroid icons sets

TheGrammarFreak - for fixing typo's errors

CdTDroiD - for tutorial guide for noobs video

kgill7 - for Cloudy Theme

rascarlo - for Drizzle, Tesseract bootanimations

kalagas - for Kalagas animated icons

aca85 - for AlchemyDroid bootanimation

LfcFan1977 - for Digital battery

Than33 - for SegoeThan and TrebuchetThan fonts

MrDSL - for loading circle and notify animation from Mixer theme

Tsachi - for Version T and W battery styles

halfsoul - for Version U battery style

kilo1548 - for Visual guide


Thanks to our donators

Thank you very much for your support guys, we will continue to develop this further in the future.
And you made it all possible!!