- for hosting kitchen
rveupen - for additional boiler in the kitchen
daveba - for additional boiler in the kitchen
tankertuf - for additional boiler in the kitchen
QLIRATU - for creating the original scripts that create the frameworks
MENDOZINAS - for making the custom version, creating the new layout, designing the new features
AVREEN - for Dr. Droid themes
FIGHTSPIT - for providing the Super battery Mod and verifying xml files
BRUT.ALL - for making apktool
NROSIER - for giving us the animated icons, Mod E ,Mod G and more
TRINITYEON - for providing us with BLUE SENSE icons and Mod C
TieT - for fixing typo's errors
POTTER1984 - for nice bootanimations
PENDO - for white dancing droid and help with apk-tools
CASTAWAY1 - for nice battery style
HOOOLM - for circle style icons and battery mod K
CHE123 - for Desire 3D turn bootanimation
ACEJACKSOOTE - for Mod L battery
ESK02K - for Mod MW battery
DYSGENIC - for glow and particles bootanimations
Crysis21 - for Version P, Glowing Crysis battery style
TheMasterBaron - for Scribble Rays and Jumpgate bootanimations
Oijkn - for Carbon emoticons
Mastersjef - for Steel Blue icons set and bootanimation
Fachadick and d_1000 - for font packs
Dmatik - for Version S battery
Rudolf895 - for Rudolf windows animation
TheSkepticalGuy - for Resident Evil bootanimation
Danmcq - for 3d Bumblebee bootanimation
Akoe101 - for akoe101 icon set
Jsmccabe78 - for Anastasdroid icons sets
TheGrammarFreak - for fixing typo's errors
CdTDroiD - for tutorial guide for noobs video
kgill7 - for Cloudy Theme
rascarlo - for Drizzle, Tesseract bootanimations
kalagas - for Kalagas animated icons
aca85 - for AlchemyDroid bootanimation
LfcFan1977 - for Digital battery
Than33 - for SegoeThan and TrebuchetThan fonts
MrDSL - for loading circle and notify animation from Mixer theme
Tsachi - for Version T and W battery styles
halfsoul - for Version U battery style
kilo1548 - for Visual guide
Thank you very much for your support guys, we will continue to develop this further in the future.
And you made it all possible!!
© Mendoza. Hosted by DAKRA. Friends Knygininkas